Sovereign Vacuum Media Filter

Sovereign Vacuum Media Filter is Proven, Time-Tested Filter for Machining and Grinding Applications especially of Exotic Alloys and Composite Materials typically used in Aerospace Industry. Sovereign Vacuum Media Filter helps attain Filtration Fineness down to 20-25 microns or even finer depending on the selection of High-End Filter Media. Sovereign Vacuum Media Filter is ideal for…

Sovereign Trommel Filter

Principle & Construction: Sovereign Trommel Filter is specially designed for a Large Machining setup with High Volume Chip Generation.  Sovereign Trommel Filter is a Large Rotating Drum Filter with Concentric Screw Conveyor placed Axially along the Central Shaft.  The Chips from the Machining Process along with the Coolant (Water Based Emulsion or Neat Oil) are…

Sovereign RolScreen Filter

Principle & Construction: Sovereign RolScreen Filter is specially designed for a Stand Alone or a Cellular Machining setup.  The Sovereign RolScreen Filter (Sovereign RSF) is a Rotating Drum Filter with a Concentric Screw Conveyor as a combined unit that is placed at an Incline.  The Chips from the Machining Process along with the Coolant (Water…

Sovereign Kompakt Band Filter

Principle: The Principle of Filtration through Sovereign Kompakt Band Filter (Sovereign KBF) is by ‘Gravity + Hydrostatic Head’ which offers the Gentle Force for the Cooling Lubricant to percolate through the Filter Media covered with the Dirt Cake. The Solid Contamination Settles by Gravity (Sedimentation) on the Filter Media forming the Dirt Cake. This Dirt Cake in…

Sovereign DUO

The High-Speed Machining of certain Materials generates curly chips as well as fine particles which need to be separated out for through Spindle Applications. Sovereign DUO is the Kompakt yet perfect combination of Sovereign Kompakt Band Filter + Sovereign RolScreen Filter – the two Efficient and Established products for Coolant Filtration. Features Unique concept of…

Sovereign BANDEX

Principle: Sovereign Bandex Sedimentor is a culmination of an Intelligent Concept of Laminar Flow of the Coolant coupled with Efficient Rapid Sedimentation of Particles and subsequent Steady Transportation of the Settled Sludge with a Heavy-Duty Conveyor. The Sovereign Bandex Sedimentor has 3 Compartments: Pre-sedimentation & Venting. Sedimentation + Conveying Clarification. Benefits Engineered Design that is…

Hoffmann Suction Belt Filter

Soiled coolant tank Clean coolant tank Belt flushing Inlet Suction chamber Vacuum pump Drying section Filter cake Cleaning brush Sludge discharge Sludge carriage Suction pump Revolving filter belt The HOFFMANN Suction Belt Filter (Hoffmann HSF) is a Fully Automatic Filter used for purification of Grinding Oils without the use of any Consumables for the High…

Hoffmann PreCoat Filter

Hoffmann Fully Automatic PreCoat system For the Finest Surface Precisions for Components machined from Cast Iron, Hard Metal and HSS where Super-Clean Cooling Lubricant is most essential, the Hoffmann PreCoat Filter outperforms every conceivable filter system. Hoffmann PreCoat Filter is the product of choice for Ultra-Fine and Super-Clean Oils, Synthetic Solutions, Process Water and other…

Bag Filters

Liquid Filtration Solution that is Time-tested & Economical.  Bag Filters are ideal for Machine Tool Applications. Bag Filters can be easily integrated into Existing or Engineered Coolant Systems.  Bag Filters are a quick solution for filtering out small chips, grinding swarf and other particulates. Custom Engineered  Economical Filtration Solution. Simple and low maintenance Easy integration…