Our valued customer is the largest automotive supplier in the world from USA. They have joint venture with the largest automotive system supplier in India.
They are the largest manufacturer of Diesel Fuel Injection Equipment for
Cars, Sports Utility & Multi Utility Vehicles, Light Commercial Vehicles, Tractors, Single & Two Cylinder engines.

This company has invested extensively on facilities & striving to make it a ‘World Standard’ set up to develop products and applications to meet the ever increasing demands of customer requirement

They have battery of Makino Slim CNC Machines for machining their precision fuel injection components of Alloy Steel.

For our customer, precision, accuracy, quality & consistency in machined components is most critical in meeting the high standards of Fuel Injection Systems. These Needle Nozzle Components have critical machining parameters like tight tolerances, concentricity, surface finish & overall dimensional stability & reliability.
Moreover, Needle Nozzle machining consist of small & critical operations & tooling such as

  • Drills with Short & Long overhang.
  • Drills from diameter 1.5 mm up to 12 mm.
  • Operations like End Milling, Reaming, Tapping etc;

Since dimensional tolerances & consistency is very critical, our customer is using neat oil in the machine. Our Customer had serious issue in maintaining the temperature of the neat cutting oil at ambient level.

Due to overheating of the neat cutting oil customer was experiencing frequent down time of the machine, heavy component rejections, neat oil overflow leading to poor house keeping, excess of oil consumption & inefficient energy consumption on each of their Makino CNCs.

SovereignTech had the honor to be invited and entrusted with the responsibility in view of our competence and ability to support the Customer on Process Engineering in addition to up gradation of their Coolant Circuit through our SovereignKombo ~ the Single Most Productivity Tool on the CNC.

As expected Customer not only overcame the oil overheating issue but also surpassed the Productivity benchmark & further achieved

  • Excellent Finish & Concentricity
  • Great Tool & Coolant Performance
  • Effective Evacuation of Chips
  • Stress Free & Smooth High Performance Machining
  • Brilliant Energy Efficiency
  • Superb Resource Efficiency
  • Low Cost per Component
  • Rewarding Profits
  • Sustained Reliable Process

This accomplishment has even earned the acknowledgement and appreciation of the Machine Tool Supplier & the customer showed their appreciation by placing repeat order for all their Makino Slim CNCs (16 Nos. to be precise).